Tappan Zee Bridge Amnesty Program Could Save You $$$$

As a follow up to our November article on cashless tolling at all MTA bridges and tunnels, The New York State Thruway Authority is rolling out an amnesty programs for drivers who have crossed the Mario Cuomo Bridge (more commonly referred to as the Tappan Zee Bridge) between April 24, 2016 through January 31, 2018 with unpaid toll violations. Many motorists claimed to have never received their toll bills in the mail but once they did receive them their bills included hefty fines and penalties, some as much as a $100 fine on a $5 toll bill. All motorists who are eligible for the program will receive a letter in the mail from the NYS Thruway Authority and will have until February 21, 2018 to pay their outstanding toll balances. If they do so, their fines and penalties will be waived. Remember as you continue to cross bridges and tunnels in New York, if you fail to pay your toll bill, you may incur late fees, fines, and even vehicle registration suspension. If you encounter any trouble or find your vehicle registration suspended, call us at (516) 500-1647 and see how we can help you today.